
Showing posts from January, 2017

Hariharan In this rain on A chilled winter eve Listening live to An ametuer singing Sad tunes of hariharan What more could be Heart tendering?

Let it rain

Let it rain as beautifully as it does Let it take away the dust which it holds and the way it flows on the glass windows akin to the pain running down my veins long after it has broken down the chains let it rain let it rain *First winter rain in Karachi. 13-01-2017*


کبھی کبھی یوں لگتا ہے جیسے تنہائی سے  اچھی کوئی رفاققت نہیں  جب آپ اور آپ کے جذبے کسی کے لیے اہم نہ رہیں  جب آپ کو اپنی موجودگی کا احساس دلانا پڑے  جب آپ ہوتے ہوے بھی غیر موجود ہوں  ایسے میں  صرف  ذات ہوتی ہے ، جو ساتھ دیتی ہے  مگر اس ذات کے ساتھ وقت گزرنے کے لیے تنہائی درکار ہوتی ہی  خود اپنے آپ سے بھی تو ملنا ضروری ہوتا ہے  تو طے  یہہوا کہ اپنی ذات کا ساتھ سچا ہے  شاید اس سے اچھی کوئی اور رفاقت نہیں 


There are reasons to dislike this weather It is a dis-tractor from workload to music From books to poems From death to hopes From hatred to love It distracts and hurts This chilled weather

Never look back

Time flies and doesn't leave behind anything The marks of reminder gradually fade away As much as the reality that had mildly existed Appears to be a remote foggy dream The characters played their role and disappeared Behind the curtains of a real life melodrama Transforming into another act This is how sweet Dreams shatter This is how we become another being Almost entirely losing our favorite roles Never to look back, for a happy ending.