
Showing posts from November, 2015

Thank you

Thank you fever for catching up with me again Thank you for making me drowsy And sleepy And thank you so much for letting me forget about other pain

سر دی کی دھوپ

سردیوں   کی  ہلکی ہلکی سی دھیمے سے پھیلتی دھوپ کتنی  پیاری  لگتی ہے   جیسے کوئی چپکے سے زندگی  کے معمول شامل ہو رہا ہو  جیسے کوئی   بھولی بسری جان فضا یاد لوٹ آئی ہو  جیسے کسی گم گشتہ داستان کا  قصّہ دہرایا گیا  ہو  جیسے کوئی دلفریب چہرہ مدّت بعد دکھائی   دیا  ہو

M.Phil seminar. 26-11-15

Some days are apparently big. Like today. When I'll be presenting my M.Phil Pathology thesis in front of the audience. Fingers crossed.

سال گرہ مبارک

میں نے بہت کم  خوبصورتی ، ذہانت  اور دل گدازی کے ایسے امتزاج دیکھے ہیں جن سے پروین آراستہ تھیں   میں ان سے کبھی مل نہیں پائ  مگر میں انہیں ان کے لفظوں کی خوشبو سے جان لیتی ہوں   وُجود کو جب   مُحبٌت کا وَجدان مِلا تو شاعری نے جنم لیا۔ اِس کا آھنگ وھی ھے جو موسیقی کا ھے کہ جب تک  سارے سُر سُچے نہ لگیں گلے میں نوُر نہیں اُترتا دِل کے سب زخم لو نہ دیں تو  حرف میں روشنی نہیں آتی۔ ”پروین شاکر“


when I stopped waiting for U and even stopped looking, days have gone silent and nights have grown darker time is standing still while heart has drowned father

Oh really

Is it true? Out of sight out of mind? Is it this easy? Oh really? 

Faiz, last night

Last night, your lost memories crept into my heart as spring arrives secretly into a barren garden as a cool morning breeze blows slowly in a desert as a sick person feels well, for no reason

Late night reading

Australia awargi Mustansar Hussain Tarar


All those endless conversations that abruptly came to an end And those shy truthful confessions the air would never hear again those sleepy wakeful nights with eyes and words drunken All those made me compose, the words which otherwise were unspoken

The story

“Tell me the story.. About how the sun loved the moon so much.. That she died every night.. Just to let him breathe...” ― Hanako Ishii


There exists nothing further between us , now but quietness, nothing more nothing less from the last shade in horizon to the first morning sun ray this deepening, tormenting quietness through the endless nights to slowly passing days this saddening, killing quietness


I put my emptiness inside an empty earthen pot just then it began to vibrate so heavily, the waves would collide with my heartbeats changing its rhythm to irregularity


Temptations and infatuation wouldn't last for long That's where I realize It was something else. 

Nothing but

Another new morning which brought nothing but emptiness


Running after someone's footsteps doesn't necessarily mean we will find them. 


This morning feels peaceful After a restless night


Sometimes I wonder if you could ever miss me the way I miss you. 


And then I stopped at the phrase which read..... going back to love Going back to love? sounds insane. If you could come out of this maze called love, find a way out to run away, that's the only option which may lead you to going back to love. What is the other way? Its either to love or not to love. No in-betweens! If there is a spark it will ignite, always If there is none, the ice cold feelings will never melt. What is between them? I can never fathom. And the most painful time is where you keep on guessing, whether it is a spark or an snow covered peak and never find an answer!

These days

There are days which are rough and then there are others which are roughest No gaps in between!

End of story

How long can you wonder if that particular someone cares about you? If they care they would show. not showing = not caring End of story!