When reality hits hard

 At times I feel what a blessing it would be if we had the power to erase certain parts of our memory from our brain. When and what we wanted to. 

The pain doesn't go away. It never does. but gradually it settles under the dust of time. it keeps re-emerging though. 

The pain of considering illusion a reality

the pain of believing the falsehood to be the truth

And not for a month or two but over a span of a decade.

The pain is proportional to the duration of connection, that remained. 

And its also is proportional to how it all vanished. 

It also is related to how people change, without your expecting them to be changed, suddenly , you are facing a stranger. Who, once claimed to be yours, is now a complete stranger.

The reality hits hard when you come out of your illusion where every thing was good and sweet and charming.

It hits so hard to see the flashes of light striking your mind. 

To know it wasn't worth anything

in the end you stand alone

with your emptiness


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